Six founding member groups make up the Lower Eastern Shore Engagement Network. LESEN’s focus is on:
- CAFO Accumulation and Related Problems
- Sustainable Farming Practices
- Immigrants’ Rights and Immigration Including Farm Worker Rights
- Clean Energy Production
- Fighting Plastic Pollution
- Zoning

Assateague Coastal Trust: ACT promotes and encourages the protection of the health, productivity, and sustainability of the coastal bays watershed of Delmarva through advocacy, education and conservation.

Socially Responsible Agricultural Project: SRAP works throughout the U.S. helping communities protect themselves from the negative impacts of factory farms, officially called Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs). SRAP gives family farmers, ranchers, and other rural citizens the tools needed to develop and sustain ecologically sound, economically viable, humane farming alternatives to industrial-scale agriculture.

Future Harvest (Chesapeake Alliance for Sustainable Agriculture): Future Harvest CASA’s mission is to provide education, networking, and advocacy to help build a sustainable Chesapeake foodshed, where food flows from farm and fishery to table in ways that strengthen farming and the regional food economy; protect our land, water, and air; and provide healthy, nutritious food that sustains the region’s communities and cities. Our members come from all walks of the Chesapeake foodshed: farmers, chefs, grocers, food distributors, agricultural professionals, landowners, and consumers.

Waterkeepers Chesapeake/Fair Farms campaign: A campaign of Waterkeepers Chesapeake, Fair Farms is a grassroots movement of Marylanders working together for a new food system that’s fair to farmers, invests in homegrown, healthy food, advocates for food production transparency, and restores waterways instead of polluting them.

CATA – El Comite de Apoyo Los Trabajadores Agricolas (Farmworkers Support Committee): CATA – The Farmworkers Support Committee – is a non-profit membership migrant farmworker organization that is governed by and comprised of farmworkers who are actively engaged in the struggle for better working and living conditions within a legal and economic system that is structurally biased against them. CATA’s mission is to empower and educate farmworkers through leadership development and capacity building so that they are able to make informed decisions regarding the best course of action for their interests.

Surfrider Foundation (Ocean City Chapter): The Ocean City Chapter of the Surfrider Foundation is made up of surfers, non-surfers, and beach lovers who make up an activist network that ensures our oceans, waves, and beaches are clean and accessible for all to enjoy.